Contains a list of all the colors for gorp. Modify this before spawning a widget to change the theme
TS exclusive
- Type
function gorp.set_ecr(ecr)
function gorp.set_ecr(ecr)
- Details
This must be set immediately after gorp is imported on both the client and server.
Adds a world or registry and allows gorp to display it.
- Type
function gorp.add_world(world: ecr.Registry, name: string?): ()
function gorp.add_world(world: ecr.Registry, name: string?): ()
- Details
Worlds cannot be removed once added.
Changes the function that checks if a user is allowed to use gorp
- Type
function gorp.set_check_if_user_allowed(callback: (player: Player) -> boolean): ()
function gorp.set_check_if_user_allowed(callback: (player: Player) -> boolean): ()
- Details
If you are changing this, you must change it on both the server and client
By default, you can only open this if you are the game creator or you are in studio.
Spawns a widget in. Normally you'd only have to spawn registry_selector
. Returns a function that destroys the widget.
- Type
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "registry_selector"): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "entity_client_view", props: {
query: vide.Source<string>?,
world: {world: ecr.Registry, name: string},
cleanup: (() -> ())?,
get_components: ((id: number) -> {number})
}): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "entity_server_view", name: string, registry: number): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "json_editor", props: {
name: string,
text: string,
updated: (text: string) -> (),
prettify: boolean?
}): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "scheduler_view", scheduler: gorp.Scheduler): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "scheduler_server_view", name: string, scheduler: number): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "system_view", scheduler: gorp.Scheduler, system: number): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "system_server_view", scheduler: number, index: number, name: string): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "registry_selector"): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "entity_client_view", props: {
query: vide.Source<string>?,
world: {world: ecr.Registry, name: string},
cleanup: (() -> ())?,
get_components: ((id: number) -> {number})
}): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "entity_server_view", name: string, registry: number): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "json_editor", props: {
name: string,
text: string,
updated: (text: string) -> (),
prettify: boolean?
}): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "scheduler_view", scheduler: gorp.Scheduler): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "scheduler_server_view", name: string, scheduler: number): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "system_view", scheduler: gorp.Scheduler, system: number): () -> ()
function gorp.spawn_widget(widget: "system_server_view", scheduler: number, index: number, name: string): () -> ()
The scale of the UI
- Type
function gorp.scale(scale: number): ()
function gorp.scale(): number
function gorp.scale(scale: number): ()
function gorp.scale(): number
- Details
Scale is not supported, and not all UI may properly work with scale.
Closes all the widgets
- Type
function gorp.clear_all(): ()
function gorp.clear_all(): ()
Allows you to add a custom function for converting a datatype to JSON
- Type
function gorp.add_custom_json_convert(datatype: string,
options: {
deconstruct: ((value: T) -> U & JSON)?,
construct: ((value: U) -> T)?,
construct_array: ((...any) -> T)?,
): ()
function gorp.add_custom_json_convert(datatype: string,
options: {
deconstruct: ((value: T) -> U & JSON)?,
construct: ((value: U) -> T)?,
construct_array: ((...any) -> T)?,
): ()
If the UI is enabled or disabled
- Type
function gorp.enabled(enabled: boolean): ()
function gorp.enabled(): boolean
function gorp.enabled(enabled: boolean): ()
function gorp.enabled(): boolean
Sets the components that gorp knows of
- Type
function gorp.compat_set_cts<T>(cts: T & {[string]: ctype}): T
function gorp.compat_set_cts<T>(cts: T & {[string]: ctype}): T
- Details
gorp automatically replicates all the server components to the client
Creates a new scheduler
- Type
function gorp.scheduler.new(name: string): Scheduler
function gorp.scheduler.new(name: string): Scheduler
Configures and changes some part of gorp.
- Type
function gorp.pass_config(config: {allow_yielding: boolean}): ()
function gorp.pass_config(config: {allow_yielding: boolean}): ()
- Details
Current options are: allow_yielding: boolean
Allows systems to yield. The time spent yielding is not ignored by the scheduler.
Registers a custom widget which can be opened with a button in the registry selector
- Type
function gorp.register_custom_widget(widget: string, type: "server" | "client" | "none", callback: () -> ()): ()
function gorp.register_custom_widget(widget: string, type: "server" | "client" | "none", callback: () -> ()): ()
- Details
It doesn't create a widget for you.