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Contains details about the style.

background: Color3

The primary background

foreground: Color3

The primary foreground

close_button: Color3

The color of the close_button when hovered

close_button_pressed: Color3

The color of the close_button when pressed

input: Color3

The background color of any text input object

button: Color3

The background color of a button

button_hovering: Color3

The background color of a button when hovered

button_pressed: Color3

The background color of a button when pressed

tab_background: Color3

The background color of a tab

tab_hovering: Color3

The background color of a tab when hovered

tab_selected: Color3

The background color of a tab when selected

border: Color3

The border color for everything

border_selected: Color3

The border color when a object is seleced

text: Color3

The default color of text

sub_text: Color3

The default color of any less important text

font: Enum.Font

The default font of all text

font_size: number

The size of the text

scroll_bar: Color3

The color of the scrollbar in scrolling frames

padding: UDim

Default padding

corner_radius: UDim

Default corner radius

microprofiler_bar_top: Color3

The color at the top of the profiler bar in the system view

microprofiler_bar_bot: Color3

The color at the bottom of the profiler bar in the system view

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